Community Marketing's GLBT Travel Marketing Symposium in London
Community Marketing and their team (Tom Roth and David Paisley) held yet another successful all-day series of workshops, panels and seminars, helping to educate companies as to the "how's and why's" of marketing to the GLBT community, in this case specifically for the travel market.

The turnout, despite the recession, was very good and incredibly, almost everyone stayed until the very end where myself, Thomas Boemkes and Serge Gojkovich spoke on GLBT online marketing in terms of more advanced social network marketing.
The presentations during the day came from an incredible roster of speakers, including Martine Ainsworth Wells of Visit London, and Andrew Stokes of Marketing Manchester. In addition, we got to hear from Andrew Roberts of Amro Worldwide Travel on the success and increased PR achieved through the "So Gay" campaign they did in 2008, together with Ian Johnson of Out Now Consulting.
Attendees included tourism folks from Sweden, London and throughout the UK, as well as Switzerland, Ireland and other destinations from around Europe.
Photos from the event can be seen at:
In addition, we're pleased to announce the launch of our new Flickr GLBT Business Photo group, found at: