How Do I Get My Web 2.0 and Social Networking World All Working Together in Synchronized Harmony?

Finding the most efficient ways of using photos, blogs and videos to promote your company on the Internet, far and wide! It’s interesting, but as we enter into the latter half of 2009, we can look back less than a year and see how when it comes to social network marketing, we’re living history as we speak. There was a day when only a small handful of early adopters even knew what Twitter was. Now, it’s become part of our daily dialogue (can you say “Tweet”), the way “ Google ” has turned into “Googling” and become a verb. From our July 2009 Gay Business Report , we went into great detail as to how and why to use Twitter, and over the past two months, even more has evolved on this topic that provides even greater relevancy to using Twitter in our business lives. But Twitter is still only part of the story, as it is both one of our primary TOOLS for managing our online content and one of our primary TOUCH POINTS for communicating our content’s message to a wide and rele...