Announcing our new Social Network Marketing and Web 2.0 Tutorials Course

A Complete Social Network Marketing Plan & Strategy for only $450
Learn to master the world of Social Networking and unlock this marketing potential for your business!

Based upon our successful seminar and webinar series we've been presenting on Social Network and Web 2.0 Marketing over the past few years, we've developed this 5-part Social Network Marketing Tutorials Course series, walking you through each step in promoting your company using social network marketing in a careful and very detailed format.

Level 1: Setting Up Your Accounts (Your Content Tools and First Touch Points)

  • Laying the groundwork: your social network identity
  • Deciding which path to take and which strategy to follow - should you blog?
  • Setting up a blog (Google's, and, just to name a few options)
  • set up a Flickr or Picasa photo account (multimedia sharing)
  • set up Twitter account and start by going through the followers list of people you know... you'll find others you know to get this all started.
  • set up Facebook business/fan page

Level 2: Integration

  • Are you on Plaxo? LinkedIn?
  • Use Twitterfeed to integrate your blog to Twitter
  • Integrate blog into Facebook, Plaxo and your Linkedin group
  • Do you use and/or
  • Why use - Twitter is not just status updates
  • Discussion on posting links on Facebook,, and Google Reader. It's important to highlight other stories that are relevant in theme to your business, i.e., positioning you to become a leader in directing your followers to content that is specific to your industry. Avoid just grabbing hot headlines and sharing on these sites and on Facebook.

Level 3: Case Study Examples
Several step-by-step examples of how the accounts set up above can now work for you

  • Blog example
    • Showing advanced places for manual integration including LinkedIn groups,, etc.
    • Are you a bar or restaurant? Do you work with
    • Are you a hotel? Do you work with
  • Blog and Photo example
    • Utilizing Tweetphoto and Twitpic examples

Level 4: Twitter Strategies

  • Discussions on and, showing how they integrate with Twitpic and
  • Discussions on and how to integrate photos to Twitter
  • Discussions on Power Twitter programs such as Hootsuite and more.
  • Discussions on ReTweeting, Tweet Replies, etc.
    (like Delicious and Digg, it's important to ReTweet those items that are specifically relevant to your business. Many novice Tweeters are ReTweeting things that are way to general, i.e., gay news headlines for a gay hotel or general gay travel headlines for a very specific niche travel company)
  • Discussion on and

Level 5: Advanced Strategies
Facebook advertising; online video; strategies for adding connections and widening your net

  • Facebook advertising
  • Following steps above and including Online Video using Youtube and Facebook
  • Online video marketing examples
  • Discussion on how video integrates with Twitter
  • Discussion on how Twitter connections can be used for, Linkedin for, etc.
  • Should you do your own site?


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