Gay Advertising: Tapping Into a Vibrant And Diverse Market

Corporate interest in the gay advertising market is increasing. While exact figures are lacking, research and surveys indicate this is growth market. Recent figures seem to indicate that Estimates put the buying power of this sector of the population could be as high as $800 billion annually. As a group touted to have higher than normal incomes, it is important for a company to brand themselves appropriately if it wants to succeed in attracting and retaining members of this community. Diversity One factor all advertisers need to consider seriously is the issue of diversity. The gay community is not homogenous. For example, what a transgender man or woman may purchase may be very different from what a gay man or woman will buy. Moreover, someone who is transgender may not consider themselves part of the gay community. In other words, the gay community for which you, as an advertiser may be striving to market to, is not monolithic but a loose confederation. Gay men and women may ...