Jupiter Hotel Social Media Promo: Merging Real World and Online Social World
We here at PinkBananaMedia.com believe the future of marketing in 2011 is the merging of the "real world" with the newly developed " online social world " we've all been personally building over the past few years. Many analogies have been made to social media marketing being " word of mouth " marketing, but it's so much more than that. It's not just what we say that helps spread the word and make a video, a photo or a really good article stand out amongst our friends... it's also in what we do, how we " tag, comment, like or share " that allows the best of the best in these categories to rise to the top and get the most visibility. Utilizing the power of Photo Tagging , one solution we developed with our friends at Travelocity was the idea of shooting compelling photos at a sponsored event and encouraging folks to quickly and easily find their photos on Travelocity's Facebook fan page and tag themselves (see Tips & T...