How to Turn a Cold Call into a Warm Call Using

The simplest use of is its power in connecting with your business contacts found in your various e-mail address books, as well as connecting with those business contacts of others you've connected to in Thus, over time, your network continues to grow and through's InMail and Invitation systems, you're able to contact more and more business professionals when seeking employment, new business and more.
The real power of, however, is in its powerful company search feature. Say you would like to target Microsoft or IBM and you're looking for someone in the marketing department. A few years back, the primary resources you would turn to were expensive business directories offered by AdWeek, RedBook and more. Today, your best first place to start when researching a target company is's company search. You would type in Microsoft as the company you were targeting, and the search results would then be sorted based upon how close they are to you (1st, 2nd and 3rd degree away from you) and by how many other contacts that individual has.

Out of this array of search results, you would scan the titles of the individuals found to see who is in the marketing department. You'd be surprised at the wide variety of marketing individuals you find. Your next step would be to either send that person an InMail (an upgraded, paid feature of when connecting with a 2nd or 3rd degree contact) or ask the person you share in common to introduce you to this contact. Either way, you're one step closer to making a direct connection with someone you'd like to meet to start a business relationship.
The same goes for the 3rd degree contact… as you go down the list, you can either InMail these contacts or request an introduction to them as well. Your 2nd degree contacts should be worked first, however, as the likelihood of success is higher with them. Also, as described above, the list is also sorted by those with the most contacts and works its way down. In this social business world, starting with an individual who has a lot of contacts is often your best strategy to begin with. Be wary, however, of those contacts who seem to be super power users, with many group affiliations and with their e-mail address and their number of contacts posted on their profile where their name would be. These folks are playing as a numbers game to connect with as many people as possible, and can be sometimes viewed as a new form of social networking spammers. Try to focus on the "quality" contacts and not the "quantity."
In this fast-changing environment where it seems everyone wants to be our "online friend," stands above the rest as a real testimonial to the convergence of state-of-the-art technology with the power of the online network. Used as a tool when making outreach to a company makes it second to none in its class, and with the brain power behind this organization, we can expect even greater things to come in the months ahead.
Side Bar:

As a spin-off from this Group, Dennis has also created a GLBT Group on, providing the members with additional tools from which to connect with. This group is found at .
Gay and Lesbian Social Networking
Advertising - Marketing - Community
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