Current Automotive Advertising Trends in the GLBT Market

In anticipation of the August 2008 release of the Gay Market Report, Pink Banana Media has released one of its key marketing reports looking at the automotive industry’s recent advertising and marketing trends in the GLBT community. Using the $712B projected buying power of the US GLBT community as a reference point, this information is even more timely considering the overall downward trends in consumer automotive purchases this year.
Authored by Joe LaMuraglia of, this marketing report includes the most recent Top 10 Most Researched vehicles list, which helps to shed light on what GLBT automotive consumers are researching online when making their car buying decisions. It also brings to light both the history of automotive advertising in the GLBT community, and where this advertising is today, with companies such as Subaru, Cadillac and Saturn continuing to send the signal that they are in this marketplace for the long term.
In addition, the Top 10 report reveals that GLBT consumers have been researching fuel-efficient vehicles long before gasoline was at $4 per gallon, which shows the early-adopter/trend-setting behavior of this key market segment.
“The automotive industry is at a bit of a crossroads,” states Matthew Skallerud, President of Pink Banana Media and publisher of the 2009 Gay Market Report. “With both a recession and high gas prices hitting the world economy, we are all witnessing a significant shift in automotive buying habits this year, perhaps one of the largest shifts in the last 50 years. It will be those companies that are both progressive with their changing product lines and ahead of the curve in their market outreach that I believe will set the automotive standards for years to come.”
Lastly, the article includes up-to-date information on the six major auto makers that have achieved a perfect score of 100 in the HRC Corporate Equality Index (CEI), including Toyota, GM, Ford, VW, Subaru and Chrysler. While a site such as simply uses the availability of same-sex domestic partner benefits to classify a company as gay-friendly, HRC’s CEI uses a more complex formula for its ranking.
To view and download the Automotive Marketing Report, go to For the full 2009 Gay Market Report coming out in mid-August 2009, go to .