It's All About LGBT Tourism in May - LGBT Week NYC and IGLTA
Then, on May 16th, as part of LGBT Week NYC, Community Marketing & Insights, in partnership with IGLTA, is bringing us the 3rd Annual Symposium on LGBT Tourism & Hospitality. Sponsored by the Argentina Tourism Office, Greater Fort Lauderdale CVB and Israel's Ministry of Tourism and held at Google's Autumn Tech Room in Chelsea, this symposium features morning and afternoon sessions, lunch and a reception, all on-site at Google for just $95 (donated to the IGLTA Foundation).
May 16 Morning Session: Focus on Latin America LGBT Tourism, Hospitality & Business
All new content from the hottest region! Take a fascinating tour across Latin America, learning from government and city tourism offices, LGBT tour operators, business organizations and marketing companies. Explore through case studies how various international destinations attract and serve North American LGBT visitors, how they create LGBT-relevant programs, and how they overcome local challenges.
These sessions include presentations by Pablo De Luca and Gustavo Noguera of GNetwork360 in Argentina, as well as a variety of presentations discussing various aspects of LGBT tourism in Costa Rica, Mexico, Brazil & Peru.
May 16 Afternoon Session: Successful Outreach and Best Practices in LGBT Tourism & Hospitality
Similar in scope to the successful tourism conferences Community Marketing puts on every year, this session includes a variety of speakers presenting both the state of the LGBT tourism marketplace, as well as some of the latest techniques and case study examples on how to reach the LGBT traveler in 2017. Presenters include John Tanzella of IGLTA, Matt Skallerud of Pink Banana Media, Billy Kolber of Man About World and Scott Furman of Q.Digital. Additional presentations will be provided by the Atlanta CVB and Tourism Toronto, and a post-conference reception will be held at Google, sponsored by Argentina Tourism and featuring Argentine wine.
The complete agenda can be found at:
Time: 6:30 - 9:30 pm
Venue: TBA
All information, including the Tuesday programming and the Hornet event, can be found at www.LGBTWeek.NYC.
Be sure to take advantage of our early registration for these events, as some are selling out this week. The best package overall is our All Access Pass for the entire week’s set of programs at $425. Register here at
Let's make #LGBTWeekNYC trend in #GayNYC. Use these hashtags when posting your updates, photos, videos & blogs during #LGBTWeekNYC. We'll share via the #ILoveGay Twitter 360 network.
For a few Tips & Tricks on how to maximize your #LGBTWeekNYC Tweets and Instagram posts, check out our article here.
To better understand the power of Twitter, Instagram and Hashtags, check out our most recent article here... some recent events have received MILLIONS of impressions in just one weekend's worth of activity using these techniques.
The LGBT "TwitterSphere" - This is Where the LGBT Eyeballs are Going Today!
Bonus Tweets by Pink Banana Media! Our company will be monitoring all of your Tweets using these hashtags during LGBT Week NYC, and will rebroadcast using the #ILoveGay Twitter 360° Network! We'll help BROADEN and INCREASE YOUR REACH, focusing on LGBT niche markets specific to your business and region of the world.
We look forward to seeing you all there!!!
Let's make #LGBTWeekNYC trend in #GayNYC. Use these hashtags when posting your updates, photos, videos & blogs during #LGBTWeekNYC. We'll share via the #ILoveGay Twitter 360 network.
For a few Tips & Tricks on how to maximize your #LGBTWeekNYC Tweets and Instagram posts, check out our article here.
To better understand the power of Twitter, Instagram and Hashtags, check out our most recent article here... some recent events have received MILLIONS of impressions in just one weekend's worth of activity using these techniques.
The LGBT "TwitterSphere" - This is Where the LGBT Eyeballs are Going Today!
Bonus Tweets by Pink Banana Media! Our company will be monitoring all of your Tweets using these hashtags during LGBT Week NYC, and will rebroadcast using the #ILoveGay Twitter 360° Network! We'll help BROADEN and INCREASE YOUR REACH, focusing on LGBT niche markets specific to your business and region of the world.
We look forward to seeing you all there!!!