LGBT Programmatic Ad Buying Updates -, and

We're pleased to announce several key LGBT media websites have placed some of their premium ad banner inventory on the programmatic ad exchange.  These include, and, reaching several hundred thousand LGBT viewers online.  All three of these sites are UK-based, but since we can layer geo-targeting on top of these sites in our ad placements, you can reach just the regional demographic that's right for you.  If you're looking to target an LGBT audience on these sites and other leading LGBT websites online, let us know... shoot us an e-mail to and tell us more about the specific LGBT demographic you're looking to reach.

To learn more about how programmatic ad buying works, check out our recent blog posts "Look Who's Making A Comeback - LGBT Banner Ads" and "Programmatic Ad Buying Using Your LGBT SEO and PPC Campaign Search Terms".  To learn more about how to reach an LGBT audience BEYOND the traditional LGBT websites, check out "Target LGBT Audience on Huffington Post,, Jezebel and more".

For more information, check out:


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