Social Media, the LGBT Community and the Role of Influencers in 2013

The title of our presentation at the 6th Annual LGBT Marketing Conference in New York on April 12th will be Social Media, the LGBT Community and the Role of Influencers in 2013.

As social media continues to evolve and grow up, it is becoming more and more ingrained into our daily lives, with Facebook being the dominant social media website most folks spend the most time with.

We will cover some of the more advanced topics in social media marketing today, including the role social media plays in our online search results with Google and Bing.  We’ll also spend more time discussing the evolution of LinkedIn and how their advances in social media technology have really set the bar higher in terms of where folks go online to learn and discover topics based on their field of interest in the business-to-business world.

Lastly, we’ll be discussing the ever-evolving role, and the power of, the individual in today’s online media world.  Those individuals with something to say and with an audience listening are becoming the new Media of One in today’s world… a kind of “micro-media” that social media technology has empowered and brought to the forefront.  Our goal on this topic is to educate businesses about this new-found role of “online influencers”, where we’ll be discussing ways in which companies large and small can learn to leverage the power of these individuals, their interactions and their relationships by learning to work, interact and speak “with them” and not “at them.”

For more information, go to


Twelve One Five said…
TwelveOneFive blog is a collection of ongoing writing by Ryan Michael Sirois that centers around the journey of self discovery.

Gay Acceptance
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