Wrap Up of LGBT Online Marketing Seminar Series for 2013

As Summer has turned to Fall, we have wrapped up our final seminar for 2013 here in Palm Springs, CA, having partnered with the Desert Business Association (DBA) for an incredibly lively, interactive and well-attended final seminar presentation last night.

With over 60 attendees in Palm Springs, this seminar and its audience were very representative of how the entire summer's seminar series has gone... starting out in Chicago and Las Vegas in June and working our way down into Key West and Fort Lauderdale, partnering with the various LGBT Chambers and other business groups along the way.

Some of the questions we had last night were also very indicative of what is truly of interest when companies are seeking to make outreach to any target demographic online today, LGBT or otherwise. Top of the list was in understanding the world of #hashtags and how they fit into the broader picture of both online marketing and how a business can simultaneously stand out and be discovered in today's online media world.  We covered the use of #hashtags and their integration in Instagram, Vine, Twitter, Facebook and more... we also covered in detail how one can "turn the lights on" to the world of #hashtags using services such as TagBoard.com and RebelMouse.com.

There was also strong interest in understanding how mobile smartphones fit into this online marketing mix... we covered not only mobile-centric social media such as Instagram and Vine, but also the world of check-ins using FourSquare and Facebook, as well as online reviews using Yelp and TripAdvisor, and how those reviews and check-ins, along with photo uploads, are instantaneous and broadcast around the world immediately, in real-time.

We also covered how important social media is in search nowadays, reinforcing with examples how what we post in Google Plus, Twitter and Facebook appear and influence search results in 2013. Lastly, we touched on some of the importance of both influencers using Klout.com, and the world of "skills and expertise" in LinkedIn, both representative of how the "individual is the new media" in 2013.

Overall, this has been an incredibly rewarding seminar series experience... we'll be continuing with excerpts of this both online via webinars in the coming months, as well as in some of our upcoming LGBT marketing panels, conferences and workshops, including the CMI Conference in Fort Lauderdale in December 2013 and our joint CMI/Pink Banana Media marketing conference in New York in 2014.  We look forward to seeing you all there.



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