Over the years, quite a few gay travel websites have come along, with some emerging as real leaders in this strong GLBT niche market. Very few, however, have managed to keep up by utilizing some of the latest technology online today including travel social networking, online video and blogs. NewGayTravelGuide.com, however, is one of those exceptions. Starting out as a single blog covering the GLBT travel market, the folks at NewGayTravelGuide.com (Michael Snell and Derrick Sorles of Chicago, IL) have developed an entire network of GLBT travel blogs covering such popular destinations as Puerto Vallarta, Palm Springs, and of course, their home town of Chicago itself.
Providing daily GLBT travel articles on their sites was one of the more important aspects of how they've gotten started. Their articles are of the breadth and quality that has earned this team the opportunity to be included on a variety of destination's GLBT media familiarization trips, including one recent jaunt over to Disneyland in Anaheim for the Gay Days event they had recently.

More importantly, this team has learned early on the viral nature of a blog and how to put that blog to work in driving more and more traffic to their New Gay Travel Guide blog and their various destination blogs they've developed. By their very nature, blogs index well in the various search engines, and the more links one blog has from another qualified blog, the higher the Google search engine ranking becomes. By developing a network of quality GLBT travel destination blogs, these guys have taken a lead in one of the most basic yet most important aspects of operating a network of quality GLBT sites.
On top of all this, Michael and Derrick have utilized the strength of some of the newer and more recent additions to the Web 2.0 world that are becoming more and more important in a company's overall online marketing in the years ahead. This team has fully embraced the online blogging communities of MyBlogLog.com, Technorati.com and BlogCatalog.com, just to name a few. Working with these ever-growing sites, their blog is not only made more relevant in the online world reading blogs (which is becoming a larger and larger percentage of the overall online audience today) but is also able to reach individuals that would not normally have found their blog through the normal channels of either following a link from another site or finding them in an online Google search.
Sites such as MyBlogLog.com, Technorati.com and BlogCatalog.com allow their online community members the opportunity to both follow their favorite blogs closely, all in one site, as well as see who else is reading the same blog and who else the various blog writers are connected to. It's a community that is shown to be incredibly loyal and very active online… the perfect representation of a community we're all seeking to reach as we undertake our various online marketing initiatives in the years to come.
Lastly, they know how to "work it" in the more obvious locations we all surf online today, including Facebook and their Facebook Group, MySpace and LinkedIn.com… all very important "touch points" in the more current marketing trends we're all seeing today by companies seeking to stand out above the rest in this incredibly diverse online world of today.
Big Cheers!
Derrick and Michael