June 2008 Gay Business Report

Buying Power of Gay Men & Lesbians in 2008
Marketers, economists and journalists often puzzle over guesstimating the purchasing power of America's gay and lesbian households. Some tend to ballyhoo the gay market as a dream market precisely because of its presumed affluence. But is it really true? Over the past several years, we've given this question considerable thought and research. We conclude that projections of gay wealth are likely overstated or simply a flat misconception, and therefore we come to rely most often on the excellent analysis conducted by economist and academic Dr. Lee Badgett and the work of the Williams Institute at UCLA....
PressPassQ.com Feature Story
The year of the lesbian: Female journalists welcome findings in Lesbian Consumer Index, but wonder where to go from here
Is 2008 the year of the lesbian? San Francisco-based Community Marketing Inc. seems to think so - and the firm has published a study to prove it. In fact, many women working for GLBT media have witnessed first-hand - and often played a role in themselves - the increased power lesbians have in terms of media presence and purchasing power. What is particularly important about the “Lesbian Consumer Index” is that market research to date has focused on the collective gay and lesbian community. The new index is the first of its kind to differentiate lesbian purchasing power and preferences from those of gay men....
Spotlight on San Francisco
Featuring a fully updated summary of GLBT life in San Francisco, from a business perspective. Focusing on the ever-growing number of companies now scoring a perfect 100 on the HRC Corporate Equality Index, as well as the variety of resources available in this region supporting both the smaller GLBT business community and those corporations wishing to target the GLBT consumer.
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