The Pink Banana in Canada

Our trip started in Ottawa, where I met up with Bruce and Darrell of and the CGLCC (Canadian Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce). We got the rest of our team together and hit the road like true road warriors, telling the story of the GLBT Market from both a Canadian perspective and a more global online perspective. We then hit Kingston and Niagara, ending our presentations in the wonderful city of Toronto.

I had the pleasure of reconnecting with my dear friend and inn owner, Ric Tremaine, of the Gloucestor Inn in Toronto, and later that week, we did a presentation about Web 2.0 and the GLBT market to the folks at the Ontario Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, as seen below. John Kenyon, their president, was amazing and made the trip one of my highlights of 2008 (plus, he invited me earlier in the week to the 1-year anniversary party at Circa and kept plying me with drink tickets, so perhaps that influenced me as well!).

Me presenting my PowerPoint

Great crowd!



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