LGBT Week NYC Updates - April 2016

LGBT Week NYC, May 16-19, 2016 - Marketing, Advertising & Technology Conference Updates
Conference held May 18-19, 2016 (Wednesday and Thursday) at the New York Times Conference Center

LGBT Marketing Doesn’t Take A Village…But You Sure Do Need The Right Counsel 
Presentation by Jeffrey Moran, Pernod Ricard
Many brands like to say they are undertaking LGBT marketing, but few are really and actively trying to become a key part of the community. Continuity and consistency is key – you need to listen to the consumer and ensure you are meshing your brand message in a meaningful way. Not only do you need the right partners who know how to reach consumers, but you absolutely have to have an ‘internal champion.

Creating the visual language of inclusion: Subaru and the LGBT consumer, a 15-year success story
Presentation by John Nash, The Focus Group
Adapting general market advertising materials for the LGBT consumer can pose a number of problems for a brand. But when a company chooses to produce custom materials for this segment, the challenges can be surprisingly more difficult. Over a 15 year period, Subaru of America fielded unique and memorable campaigns that not only were true to the brand, but also spoke authentically and smartly to the LGBT audience. This talk looks at the visual evolution of those campaigns.

PANEL: #AsktheHIVDoc All About PrEP
Panel moderated by Robbyn Kistler, Greater Than AIDS and Kaiser Family Foundation
Lessons learned from a digital marketing strategy to educate gay men about the pill that prevents HIV.
Panelists include Demetre Daskalakis, Assistant Commissioner of the Bureau of HIV Prevention and Control, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene; Jack Harrison-Quintana, Director, Grindr for Equality; Joe Valentino, Senior Vice President, Here Media

There will be a variety of networking receptions and mixers held during the course of the week, including our own LGBT Week NYC reception held on Wednesday evening.  This reception is exclusive to LGBT Week NYC attendees and will be held at the New York Times Conference Center's indoor terrace... it's designed to maximize networking opportunities among attendees and our sponsors who are helping us see this series of events become an even greater success in 2016 and beyond!

It's going to be an incredible series of LGBT business events, all geared towards Marketing, Advertising & Technology... it's a series of events you won't want to miss.


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