Pink Banana Media Updates - December 2012

:: Case Study Example ::
A Pink Banana Media Online Promotion

The following is a step-by-step breakdown, going into greater detail within our various online LGBT marketing programs. The themes may be different (i.e., promoting a destination, an individual company, etc.), but the methods remain the same. As we enter 2013, a marketing program must include a mix of:
  • Online Promotions
  • E-mail Outreach
  • Editorial Coverage
  • Social Media Outreach
Our marketing programs begin in the form of a marketing piece very similar to an e-mail campaign, but designed to be both optimized for social media, as well as for editorial coverage from other LGBT publications, websites and blogs.

Pink Banana Media Company Spotlight: a marketing program designed to both highlight those companies that are the Most Supportive for LGBT Equality & Diversity, as well as your individual organization's LGBT accomplishments and message.

Program includes:
  • E-Mail Marketing Campaign
  • Social Media Campaign
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • LGBT Business Community Websites
  • Mobile optimization
  • Monitoring of Conversations
  • Location-Aware Social Media

The 6th Annual Gay & Lesbian Marketing Conference - (New York City, April 12, 2013)Save The Date
Don’t miss this comprehensive research, advertising, marketing, and communications forum, helping you better understand and serve gay and lesbian consumers.
Audience: Perfect for marketing, advertising and PR executives of all industries who want to successfully reach gay and lesbian communities, and initiate or update effective strategies.


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