Our NYC Gay Market Conference for 2011 Was An Incredible Success

Our LGBT Marketing Conference held at Kimpton's Eventi Hotel in New York City was an incredible success, thanks to the support of our key partners and incredible speakers.

Key presenters included not only Matt Skallerud (Pink Banana Media) and Tom Roth (Community Marketing) but also Merryn Johns of Curve Magazine, Scott Gatz of GayCities.com, Richard Oceguera of the NGLCC-NY, Jerime Black of Barefoot Winery reviewing their successes over the years in LGBT marketing and several others.  Links to some of our presenters can be found here:

Matt Skallerud presented some of the latest in social media marketing, including some new topics such as FourSquare and mobile phone technologies and how they are becoming more and more important in the world of online marketing overall.  Tom Roth presented his insights in LGBT research, including some very recent statistics related to online media usage, as well as the key concept that there is no ONE gay market, but rather many multiple LGBT markets a company should be aware of when deciding how to strategically target their marketing message.

Attendees ranged from the German National Tourist Office to Johnson & Johnson, Starcom Mediavest, NYC & Company and Metlife.  TLA Video was there in force, as well as strong representation by Online Buddies... all looking to continue to expand their base of knowledge and remain competitive in reaching the LGBT marketplace as 2011 continues to be a strong year, business-wise.



thomaseroth said…
It was a fantastic conference, best yet. If you missed it, definitely don't let the next one pass you by! It's not too early to save April 27, 2012 in your calendar. See you there.
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I'm a gay teen growing up in Ireland
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P.J. said…
This seems like a good marketing forum for me as well as an up and comming lesbian romance novelist.
P.J. said…
This is a lovely blog for an up and comming author of gay and lesbian romance novels.

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