Pink Banana Media Updates for January 2010

:: Happy New Year - Updated Branding & Company Direction ::

We wanted to take this time to wish you all success and prosperity in 2010! I think it's safe to say that most of us feel the positive excitement in the air as we enter this new decade with hope and faith that our directions for business and personal growth will know no boundaries!
That said, we are excited to announce a new company launch for 2010 - SKAL Media. SKAL Media is a culmination of all we've been developing and striving for over the past few years, and brings all of our social media marketing efforts to a focus.
A lot of what we've been doing for clients has been in the form of education and training in social media marketing, ranging from webinars and seminars to consulting for clients for 30-60 day periods to help them develop their social media marketing strategy to include Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, blogs and more. We're now formalizing these efforts in the form of full-day workshops designed to both educate and provide hands-on training to those individuals wishing to take social media marketing to the next level! For more information on this, go to
In addition, we've formalized a 2nd new product, our Social Media Analysis, Review & Consultation... a kind of comprehensive AUDIT to help you evaluate your company's standing in the social network marketing environment. Whether your company is just starting out in social media or is already well on its way, we can perform an in-depth analysis of how your current or future strategy fits in with your overall online marketing needs and strategy, including search engine optimization (SEO) and more.
For more information on this, go to
So when you have a chance, take a look at our new website... we'll be keeping you informed and up-to-date through this newsletter as to what we're up to and some of our new advances in social media marketing in 2010.

WEBINAR: Social Network and Web 2.0 Marketing to the GLBT Community
:: Part 1 - February 10, 2010 || Part 2- February 24, 2009 ::
This is a two-part webinar series, presenting Social Network and Web 2.0 marketing and how to utilize these tools to reach the GLBT community online.
NOTE: Each webinar begins at 11 am, PST, and lasts for approximately 45 minutes.We will be walking you through step-by-step on both how this works and how you can make it work for you. We will be showing you some of the current trends in making outreach to consumers using thelatest Web 2.0 tools including FaceBook, Twitter, Blogs, YouTube, Flickr and more. Find out how and why other companies are utilizing these technologies to get the word out to consumers online, and learn more about some of the unique opportunities in the GLBT Web 2.0 space in targeting gays & lesbians online.
Part 1 will focus on the basics and how to get started in Facebook. Part 2 will focus on more advanced topics, working with social networking sites outside of Facebook and tying all of those efforts together so that you do just a little work and get maximum exposure and effect! A lot of emphasis will be placed on the use of photos, blogs and Twitter and how these tools work well with LinkedIn, Facebook and other social networking sites.


Admin said…
Thank you for all the great posts from last year! I look forward to reading your blog, because they are always full of information that I can put to use. Thank you again, and God bless you in 2010.

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