Finances, The Recession and Generation Y

I'm not sure if you have heard, but it seems as if we are in the middle of a bad economy. Chances are you have heard and have an opinion about it. All over the mainstream and not-so-mainstream media outlets, people are weighing in about investments, currencies and credit. The markets are under analysis and people are giving a million suggestions on how to deal with the situation. Unfortunately, one key demographic is blatantly absent from a lot of these discussions. Young adults are not often brought into discussions relating to finance for a variety of reasons. The most critical reason being that a lot of college students and recent graduates simply do not have enough accumulated wealth or savings to be a part of the target market many financial institutions are soliciting. Regardless of the reason, younger people, me included, feel like nobody is speaking to them. To further this stigmatization, gay and lesbian youth are pushed even further away. The general feeling in the busine...