LGBT Tourism Influencer Presentations coming to Las Vegas in December

Coming to Las Vegas December 11-13, 2016 is the 17th Annual Community Marketing LGBT Tourism & Hospitality Conference . This year there will be a variety of presentations and panels touching on LGBT New Media, including: Promoting LGBT Travel with Creative Online Campaigns & Influencers by Auston Matta This session will explore how travel professionals can use online influencers and creative campaigns to promote their business, brand or destination. The new media revolution has shifted the power of content publication to individuals rather than large publishers and more and more individuals become digital influencers and web celebrities every day. Learn how to successfully identify and recruit online influencers to execute a marketing campaign to reach a desired and targeted LGBT audience. Reaching the LGBT market through YouTube in 2017 by Josh Rimer YouTube is constantly changing in terms of what is being watched, who is watching, and how they...