Introducing LGBT Brand Voice, the Magazine

Last week, at the NGLCC Conference in Palm Springs, we proudly introduced the new LGBT Brand Voice, The Magazine. Our current, inaugural issue features: LGBT Influencers, bloggers, vloggers and YouTube Content Creators LGBT Destination Marketing Case Study, featuring targeted advertising & user-generated content Targeting Tobacco, HIV and STD At-Risk Groups Our print run is 1,500 copies, to be printed and distributed between August and December 2016. In addition to the NGLCC Conference debut, we will also be distributing it at the LGBT New Media Trade Show & Expo in Las Vegas, Nevada, December 13, 2016, immediately following the CMI LGBT Tourism & Hospitality Conference. Download PDF Join Our Journey With Us! LGBT Brand Voice, The Magazine is a hybrid 28-page brochure and magazine, publishing some of our latest Pink Banana Media blog posts and articles, LGBT New Media blog posts and articles, as well as LG...