7th Annual LGBT Marketing Conference at NY Times Conference Center was a SUCCESS!

This past week, on Thursday, April 24, 2013, Community Marketing and Pink Banana Media held their 7 th annual LGBT Marketing Conference at the New York Times Conference Center in New York City... and it was their strongest conference to date! Community Marketing and Pink Banana Media started the morning, discussing the latest in LGBT market research trends, as well as social media marketing to the LGBT community. Some of the presentations new to the marketing conference included "Leading the Way: Lesbians & The WNBA" by Hilary Shaev , VP of Marketing at the WNBA , and Cathy Renna's " Public Relations Strategies for Reaching the LGBTQ Community " . There was also a presentation by Digitas entitled " Mobile is SO Gay: New Rules for LGBT Engagement ", with the day rounded out with presentations by Google, Hilton, Gay Ad Network and GayCities.com , just to name a few. Attendees this yea...