March 2009 Gay Business Report

In This Issue Webinar and Seminar Schedule Through 2009 Updated presentation adds more detail on “touch points” and the power of influential contacts in your network Be sure to watch for our freshly updated seminar and webinar series for 2009, covering the world of Social Network and Web 2.0 marketing to the GLBT?community. With almost 50% new material, focusing on new topics such as Power Influencers and how to connect with them, as well as expanding on the best Touch Points your company can have when making outreach in this new frontiers, this seminar/webinar series will show you both how to do it all in-house, as well as help bring some new concepts to your overall online marketing mix.... Access Obama: Making contact with the White House is easier than it used to be You work for an LGBT media outlet. You're on deadline and need a comment from the White House regarding any one of the Obama administration's civil-rights policies affecting lesbian and gay citizens. How do you...